

Green Xplorer
Tour & Travel Services
Bukit Lawang , North Sumatera , Indonesia

Here With , I  recommeded Who does ever knoe and read the tour/trekking of Green
Xplrer Tour & Travel Service ,Bukit Lawang,try hardly ever to take an orginise of
their tour/trek as part of your traveling during you stay in Bukit lawang
We went for 5(five) days of trekking in bukit lawang at Leuser Park ,was Fantastic
and wonderfull trek with Orang utan and other monkeys not excaption too,also staying
crowling with no matrass ,jush a fucking very-very thin sarung  kind of sleeping shirt.
any how the food of Indonesia food was unforgetable yjing for me especilly ,and inte
resting to go on rafting tube to way back to Bukit Lawang by the river,and really,really
enjoy trip to go on it with Mr. Papola and Suhardi also  David.

Maria Mathew..................( Norwegian )
Luckas ..............................( German      )
Rebbecca ..........................( Australia   )
Esther.................................( London     )

Strong Recommeded........................!!